Thank you, Moriah Markwardt, for the adorable reading pillows! Our kiddos love them and the surprises in the pockets! 💕🔦📕📘
8 months ago, Mrs. Huntress
The Knights of Columbus have graciously invited our ages 9-14 Mavericks to a Free Throw Contest this month! Check out the details!
8 months ago, Iesha Toft
Mavericks ages 9-14 invited!
Snow is here and with more on the way we just wanted to give a friendly reminder to please check your child's bag DAILY to be sure that they have their snow gloves, hat, snow pants, snow boots, and are wearing their warmest winter coat to school. We want to keep our precious Mavericks as safe as possible, and we thank you for your help in that! NOTE: If you are in need of any of the items mentioned above, please let us know and we will be happy to acquire them for you. Thank you and have a happy early out day, Mavericks!
8 months ago, Iesha Toft
The first snowman of the season!
Please check that your child brings these items daily!
CC-E Staff & Families - We will be dismissing from school at 2:30 today (Monday, Jan. 8, 2024) due to incoming weather. There will be no Child Care Club after school. Stay safe, Mavericks!
8 months ago, Michelle Huntress
CC-E Families - This is a friendly reminder that when inclement weather causes school to start late, we won't offer the 7:30-8:10 Child Care Club. We also do not offer breakfast on late start days. If weather causes an early dismissal, we won't offer the 3:30-5:00 Child Care Club or any After School Clubs or activities. Safety of our students and staff is always at the forefront when inclement weather effects road and travel conditions. Thanks for understanding!
8 months ago, Michelle Huntress
Check out CC-E's new television commercial by clicking the link below: Now accepting registrations for this semester in grades K-6, and in PK-6th grade in the 2024-25 school year. We proudly serve preschoolers ages 3 and 4 on a part-time or full-time basis; tuition fees are charged for preschoolers who are not 4 by Sept. 15.
8 months ago, Michelle Huntress
CC-E School is keeping Perry, Iowa in our hearts today and next week....💙
8 months ago, Mrs. Huntress
A big thumbs up to reuniting with friends, refreshing those leadership habits, and digging into the fun and learning that we love at CCE! WELCOME BACK, MAVERICKS!
8 months ago, Iesha Toft
The boys are back in school!
This trio of cuteness is SO excited to be back in school!
Maggie agrees, CCE is the place to be!
We know Mrs. Huntress is a Hawkeye fan, so this post is a fun one for Mrs. Toft to make! *insert mischievous laugh here* The Toft family is at the ISU game for New Year’s Eve! They’re representing the Mavericks too! ! GO CYCLONES and MAVERICKS! We are curious what our Mavericks are up for the holiday! Post a picture below of what you are doing to celebrate the new year! We hope it is safe, fun and full of joy! Happy New Year, Mavericks!
8 months ago, Iesha Toft
Happy New Year’s, Mavericks!
2024 is sure to be awesome!
May your days be filled with magic this holiday season!
9 months ago, Mrs. Huntress
Our Mavericks were merry and bright yesterday, as we celebrated our final day before break with fun stations, goodies and cheer! The joy our students and families bring to our district is incomparable. We are blessed with the best and we do not take it for granted. We would like to wish each of you a blessed, safe and wonderful winter break and a very Merry Christmas! See you next year, Mavericks!
9 months ago, Iesha Toft
Merry Mavericks!
Joy through every hall!
Our Theatre Club met for their final time before break and were surprised with a fantastic gift. Each received a ticket to the upcoming musical Music Man at the Spencer Community Theatre! They were also informed of auditioning opportunities there, each so excited to potentially audition! It’s safe to say that these students have been bitten by the theatre bug and the sky is now the limit! THANK YOU to the amazing Spencer Community Theatre for your generous donation and for all of the opportunities that you give our students! We can’t wait to see the show!
9 months ago, Iesha Toft
Thank you SCT!
Today we handed out the books our Mavericks earned during their Book Blast fundraiser this fall! Our Mavericks opened up 349 brand new books today and it’s all thanks to each of you that helped them in their Book Blast fundraiser! Each Maverick will have plenty of reading material over Winter Break! So exciting!
9 months ago, Iesha Toft
349 books to our amazing Mavericks!
We are so excited!
30 second dance parties, strategically placed throughout the day to surprise students and staff with a much needed dance break, have been a true delight this week as we ready for our final day of school before winter break! Our Mavericks are making the most of each moment together until we see each other again in the new year!
9 months ago, Iesha Toft
Dance breaks are the best!
Getting into it!
Teachers dance too!
Dance party!
Candy canes, and dancing, and laughter- oh, my! What will that crazy elf bring next?
9 months ago, Mrs. Huntress
Happy Retirement, Mrs. Ulrich! We wish you the best, and look forward to seeing you soon!
9 months ago, Mrs. Huntress
Finished up our Get Moving Club with K-2 yesterday! They had such a fun time learning different games they can play during recess! The older students also had a blast this semester playing volleyball and disc golf! So much fun watching them grow and learn new activities!
9 months ago, Shayna Hartwig
That crazy Elf has been surprising our Mavericks with random 30-Second Dance Parties over the loudspeakers today- FUN!
9 months ago, Mrs. Huntress
The Peterson lighted antique fire truck will be driving in Royal on Tuesday night at 6pm with Santa & candy canes. It is so cool! 🍭🎄🚒
9 months ago, Mrs. Huntress
The 2nd and 3rd graders enjoyed a beautiful and festive Winter Tea at former CCE teacher Mrs. Cronk’s home this afternoon! The festivities included a snowman craft, toasts around each table, delicious “tea” and treats and finally a joyous caroling session with pianist Sue Brugman. The children truly displayed their best manners and enjoyed this fantastic end to a long week! Thank you for hosting such a beautiful event, Mrs, Cronk, Mrs. Larson and Mrs. Brugman! We are grateful for each of you!
9 months ago, Iesha Toft
Today’s Winter Tea was such a beautiful event!
We caroled the afternoon away!