Have you seen our newest promo video! We are sure you'll see some familiar faces promoting our favorite school! Please let us know if you've seen it on your TV and thank you for sharing the link for more to view! https://vimeo.com/895976757 GO MAVERICKS! Stop in or call today to register for our 2024-2025 school year! Being a Maverick may be just the right fit for YOU!
8 months ago, Iesha Toft
Become a Maverick today!
Let us know if you’d like to join us for our first ever “Read Around the Building” event! Maybe your child or grandchild would like to read to you, or maybe you are a community member that would like to come in and read to those that aren’t able to have a family member come read with them. Whatever the case, please call ahead and let us know if you’ll be joining us for this fun event, promoting reading at CCE!
8 months ago, Iesha Toft
Call and let us know if you’d like to come read to one of our students!
Reminder: We have an In-Service Day tomorrow, Jan. 15. Classes will resume on Tuesday. 😊
8 months ago, Mrs. Huntress
Friends, finding the right educational fit for your child matters. We know that decision is hard, especially in the world we live in today. CCE's small classes, individualized learning, one on one care, safe campus, and quality education are JUST THE TICKET for learning and fun to collide in a safe, fun and enjoyable way for your student. When you can drop your child off at school, knowing that they are safe, cared for, and being nurtured in the best ways that make sense for them individually, you can breathe easy and know they are in good hands. That's CCE. Reach out to Val in the office to learn how your family can become Mavericks today! https://vimeo.com/89597675
8 months ago, Iesha Toft
Make the right choice for you. That could be, CCE.
CC-E Patrons- Please share this survey link with anyone who lives in the Clay Central/Everly School District. We are considering adding a second tuition agreement option for students in grades 7-12. Thank you!! https://forms.gle/oSR5UhpYKKfkUGLo6
8 months ago, Michelle Huntress
This is first in a series of Shout Outs to the amazing sponsors at CC-E! Thank you to Evertek, Inc., for your continued support of our Mavericks and the Royal community! Our world is a better place because of you. ❤️
8 months ago, Lisa Roti
CC-E families and staff, there will be no school on Friday, January 12, 2024. Stay warm, Mavericks!
8 months ago, Mrs. Huntress
Due to anticipated retirements, CCE is taking applications for Full-Time Elementary Teacher positions open for 2024-2025. Please send letter of app., resume, ref's., along with the application found on the CCE website to: Michelle Huntress @ mhuntress@claycentraleverly.org
8 months ago, Diane White
The 3rd graders got to enjoy hot chocolate and a movie for reading more than Ms. Hartwig over winter break! Keep up the great work Mavericks!
8 months ago, Shayna Hartwig
Our preschoolers love gym time when it's too cold to play outside! Here they are "riding the bus" on the cones and having so much fun! Stay warm out there, Mavericks!
8 months ago, Iesha Toft
When it's too cold to play outside we "ride the bus" in the gym!
The kids make their own fun when we play indoors!
Mrs. Toft says "Keep playing BINGO, everyone! Return it to her on Friday (weather-permitting) or Monday......thanks for having fun with us at home!"
8 months ago, Michelle Huntress
"When the time comes that I need aide, When the fear sustains and the storms do wage, I know the call that must be made, To those with a badge, so bold and brave. For our youth, our kin, our community, They've seen life's fleeting brevity, I owe them for all they've given me, My freedom, safety and mere sanity." -I.T. Our CCE students had a fun morning playing knock out with the Clay County Sheriff's department! The students and staff came together to thank the department with a plaque, donuts and thank you card for their continued service in keeping all of us safe throughout the year. They are Maverick heroes, and we know we can't do what we do without them! Happy (belated due to storms) National Law Enforcement Day to all those that serve and protect our precious Mavericks and CCE communities! We thank you for your selflessness and compassion in servitude. We are so grateful for you!
8 months ago, Iesha Toft
Happy (belated) Law Enforcement Appreciation Day!
Knock out with the deputies was a fun treat this morning!
They are kind, helpful, and selfless. Thank you, Clay County Sheriff's Department for protecting our Mavericks!
Our preschoolers are not just cute, they're also SO smart! Learning numbers by rolling dice and thinking twice is just the ticket to big number knowledge gains! We are so proud of how hard our Mavericks work!
8 months ago, Iesha Toft
This girl is on top of her number game!
Look at John's amazing pencil-holding skills!
Mrs. Brugman's table is always a fun time!
Miss Jasmine is rolling the dice to number victory!
Our Mavericks LOVE the snow, and we love their bright eyes as they delight in its beauty and play in its bounty!
8 months ago, Iesha Toft
We love snow!
Our Mavericks are "snow" special to us!
Snow are it "snow" much fun!
This season can be frigid, but it is also SNOW much fun!
Have you seen our promo video yet? It stars some of our Maverick cuties that we know you'll recognize! Please, let us know if you've seen it on your TV and thank you for sharing the link for more to view! link: https://vimeo.com/895976757 GO MAVERICKS!
8 months ago, Iesha Toft
Click the link to view our video!
CC-E will have a 2-hour late start on Wednesday, Jan. 10. There will be no before- school childcare club or breakfast. Keep up the great job of Bingo! 😊
8 months ago, Mrs. Huntress
Mavericks, let’s get some motivation behind this Snow Day Bingo game! The more boxes you’ve completed the more entries you will get into some fun prize drawings! We have numerous prizes that we will draw for, so let’s fill those BINGO cards, Mavericks! Have fun!
8 months ago, Iesha Toft
The more boxes completed the more entries you get into our prize drawing!
It’s a SNOW DAY!!!! Here is a fun Snow Day Bingo game that you can do to pass the time! Enjoy the day, Mavericks!
8 months ago, Iesha Toft
Enjoy the snow day!
CCE will be closed today, Tuesday, Jan. 9. Cozy up with a good book today, Mavericks!
8 months ago, Mrs. Huntress
CC-E will have a 2-hr late start Tuesday, Jan. 9. No morning childcare club or breakfast will be available. Drive Safely!
8 months ago, Mrs. Huntress